Oct 7, 2012


You, beautiful woman, who provided people with food and shelter
And irradiated happiness and energy like the Sun

You who saw the darkness of the clouded minds
But always kept your smile

You who were stronger than your body
And fought like a warrior, all the path

You who were always patient when I was away
And waited for me to come back to say good bye

Now it is time to spread your majestic wings
And rise like an eagle over the sea of clouds
It is time to see clearly again

So fly high towards heaven
And feel the warmth of the mid-summer sun

Quench your thirst with the blue in the sky
And flow with the wind, as one

And be sure, that those watching your beautiful flight
Will be smiling, will not be sad

Because you, beautiful woman, you
You loved until the end, and will be loved endlessly

This one is for Grandma, who started her flight on the morning of October 7th, 2012.