Mar 12, 2014

The night is dark and full of hunters

The Prey is innocent and somewhat naive
It is not afraid of the unknown
It is willing to explore and seek
Beyond the realms of its own world

Tonight the Prey is in unfamiliar grounds
A land where it had never been before
Excited about the new lights and new sounds
It prepares itself to play loudly and enjoy

But the night is dark and full of hunters
And that, the Prey does not know
So it walks naively into the danger zone
Where the hunters are gathering around

Oh dear Prey, come back alive!
Do not look at the hunter in the eye!
For if you do, you could be paralyzed
By the skillful display of his disguise

Oh dear Prey, keep yourself safe!
Do not listen to his enrapturing decoy
For if you do, you will expose yourself
In a place where death indeed awaits

I have been there, just like them
So I know their tricks well
I also used to hunt in other times
And believe me, preys do fall into the trap

So dear Prey, choose wisely
Explore and seek, meet and learn
But don’t make the silly mistake
Of chasing reflections that shine too brightly

For they are ephemeral mirages
That make you wonder around in circles
Keeping your attention, like a stripping stripper
Until the hunter decides to pull the trigger

(A loud bang is then heard. Some tweets report it as a firecracker, 
others as a gunshot. It never makes it to the evening news nor the morning papers.)

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