Apr 28, 2014

Chocolate kisses

She was good for me and I was good for her
(Or at least that’s what people said)
But one day I wondered how your lips would feel
And it ended up happening to me

It takes two pairs of lips to tango
And two pairs of eyes to mambo
Two pairs of legs to fly
But only a pair of hearts to fall

And we actually fell
Leaping through time like that girl
Who after smelling lavender scent
Got teleported to a faraway place

From where not even love spells
Could bring her back again
Since her darkness had already paled
Among chocolate kisses in wee-hour affairs

“I know I am but summer to your heart,
and not the full four seasons of the year.”
She wrote one not-so-fine spring day
Deception building an even higher wall around her

Despicable soul, incarnated probity!
Avant-garde of honest hypocrisy!
Lukewarm light suddenly switching cold!
Truthful heart pumping reptile blood!

It takes a pair of lips to say bye
And a pair of eyes to cry
A pair of legs to walk away
But just one heart to execrate

Now, while a tsunami crashes on my wall of lead
And an earthquake shakes the foundations of her creed
Our -yours and mine- ending links
Are already melting into a newborn string

To S. and her lips, for inspiring this.

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